Monday, March 30, 2015

Fun With Washi

I've struggled with what to do with my washi tape.   I think it's a great idea, and I bought several rolls thinking I would use them, but I never did ... until now.  I perused Pinterest using the search phrase "washi card" ... well, there are LOTS of ideas out there.  Had I only looked sooner!  Let me tell you, this was one of the EASIEST cards I've ever done, and I think it looks super cool...

You could make this card over and over and over with different combinations of washi tape, and it would never look the same twice!  Don't you think you could do this card too? 

The only thing CTMH I used here was the stamp set "The Happy Couple".  The washi tape and the gems were Michael's $1 bin finds!

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