Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

I hope everyone had a great father's day weekend.  Ours was full with a cookout at my parents' house and going to Texas Roadhouse with the in-laws!  Was a good time all around! 

For Father's Day, I made this card for both fathers in our lives.  I had just gotten the Martha Stewart ribbon loop punch around the page punch set Friday night so I had to incorporate that somehow!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Announcing a new Panstoria Affliliate!

A friend of mine recently signed up to be an affiliate for Panstoria.  Panstoria is the company that took over Creative Memories' digital line.  They're actually the company that created StoryBook Creator and Memory Manager from the beginning!  Let's help Amanda out by buying some new content ... they've got a 25% off sale on all digital content.  I know most of us haven't bought anything new in a while since Creative Memories gave Storybook up!

Don't forget that Panstoria digital kits are compatible with your Creative Memories Storybook Creator software ... you don't have to upgrade to Artisan until you're ready! 
All digital content kits in the store are 25% off their original prices. Nearly 2,000 items in the store can be purchased for 25% off, including some of your CM favorites, and lots and lots of new ones!

Sale runs through Friday, June 13 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time, so be sure to order quick:

Browse Panstoria Digital Content

P.S. - Amanda will be contributing to this blog with guest posts from time to time to give us some digital inspiration!   I've included a Panstoria badge to the side along with the CTMH badge for quick access!

Starburst Birthday Cards

Saturday night I worked on a couple of birthday cards.  I'd seen an example with measurements on Pinterest and thought ... I can do that!  I picked out 6 different pieces of paper that went together.  Okay, so I'm not sure mine all matched, but I felt they were all either birthday or celebration paper! 

You were to cut out 6 rectangles: 

4.5 x 1.5
4 x 1.5
3 x 1.5
3 x 1.5
2 x 1.5
2 x 1.5

Then each of these you cut into triangles, cutting from corner to opposite corner.  You then position them around the paper you're mounting them to as you see fit ... they'll hang off the edges, and that's okay.  Once they're glued down how you like, you can cut around the square to get the starburst effect.

I then cut out a circle and used an old Creative Memories stamp that fit in the circle. 

Here's my first attempt:

I liked it, but I thought it might look cute if I had a border all the way around it, not just white edges.

What do you think?